Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Many merchants use caller ID as one of several verification techniques when consumers order goods on the telephone. Typical verification protocols call for two of three tests to be valid before a purchase is approved. These often include caller-ID.

Experienced fraud investigators have known for several years that relying on caller ID is of no real value in authentication. Numerous tools and techniques are available to professional identity thieves for the spoofing of caller ID. Voice over IP systems, as well as “black boxes” allow those willing to buy $100 for hardware or software to present to a caller any caller-ID telephone number they desire.

Now with a service from a new internet site your can buy a “spoof card” for as little as $10. The features of this service include:

Caller ID Spoofing
Voice Changer
Call Recording

The service is offered via an 800 number and the website provides a special bonus service – “In addition, we also offer the ability to change your voice to sound like a man, a women or yourself for FREE.”


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